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Outdoor Activities / Council's Owns / Journeys OUTDOORS / 10 Reasons Page


Note: this is an UNOFFICIAL website made by volunteers. It is NOT endorsed by GSUSA.

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You can help!

#1. Join the Outdoor Girl Scout Project Facebook group and join in the many discussions and plans, plus great Program ideas in our Files Section.

#2. Write or email your Council and National GSUSA Board and CEO -let them know you are working for needed change, and what you would like to see in the future.

#3. Get the word out to all your Girl Scout friends! Have them join our Facebook page too!

It's time all Girl Scout Members and Friends - staff and volunteers - joined together to help improve our Training, our Knowledge, and set goals to help our Movement grow and succeed.

Here are more ways you can help.

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Blog about the Outdoor Girl Scout Project!

Join our group, then invite all your Girl Scout friends and supporters to our Facebook page.

Write and/or email your council and GSUSA National CEO and Board Members and Council Staff to let them know that you support the Outdoor Girl Scout Project, and why.

Tweet about this website and and post about the Facebook group on Instagram.

Share your opinions and ideas on the Facebook page.

Invite your Girl Scout mailing list to see this website and the Facebook page.

Take as many Outdoor Trainings in your Council as you can. Learn the in's and out's and the whys and wherefores of Outdoor Training.

Talk to your Delegates and Alternates to the 2017 National Council Session. Or go as a Visitor. Let them know that you support our initiatives.

Attend your Service Unit Meetings and speak up for your Camps, Progressive Badges, and the Outdoor Girl Scout Project there. Let your fellow Girl Scout Member-Volunteers know how you feel about it. Email them too.

Take Leader or Volunteer training so you can offer Outside activities for troops like Hiking, Letterboxing, Camping Geocaching, Teams Course, High Ropes, and more.

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Come up with ideas and links for thte Moderator to post at this site, or on the Facebook page for other troops to use, change, or share.

Get trained and offer Outdoor and other Trainings to other leaders and volunteers.

Talk about the importance of saving camps at your Service Unit meetings.

Have a Beautification Day at a camp.

Teach enrichment classes like Songs, Games, Outdoor Cooking, Sailing, Canoeing, Crafts, etc. that can be used at camp or elsewhere.

Find out who offers Traininggs and make a list of them. Put this list on a blog or website.

Apply to be a Delegate or Alternate to your councils Annual Meeting. Learn about governance in your council.

Blog and tweet about your Take Action projects for Girl Scouting.

Help teach the current Skill-Building badges and Girl Scouting's new Outdoor Journey and badges at troop meetings or at Trainings.

Learn about the Girl Scout camps in your area. Promote them to girls and leaders.

Participate in a Training Weekend or event for volunteers.

Make sure to get to know your Council Staff, and include them in Training Weekends and Events.

Start UNofficial Camp Pages for all your camps.

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Go to your Annual Meeting and talk up the Outdoor Girl Scout Project, and things you and others are doing to make a difference.

Become an Annual Meeting delegate for your Council.

Learn about the current Robert's Rules and Parliamentary Procedure in your Council and Nationally.

Advertise for Girl Scouting and for Venturing in neighborhood teen spaces.

Start an Adventure Troop in your Council.

Document the outdoor activities in your Council. See what other Councils offer.

Make a map or brochure for your local camp to increase interest.

Recruit Girl Scouts and leaders for an Adventurers or Mariners Group that offers adventure-based programming for middle school and high school students.

Find out more about current Girl Scout Program. See how it can be offered in the Outdoors. Then share this information with others.

Have your troop "sponsor" a building at a Council camp.

Blog and tweet about your Take Action projects and this Project too.

Organize an outdoor event to earn current Skill-Building badges for the Outdoors or for the new Outdoor Journey.

Tour your local PLC and see what is available in the library about the Outdoors, Outdoor training, and Outdoor enrichment and other great Girl Scout activities.

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Do you have more Take Action ideas for getting Girl Scout girls outdoors? List them at the Outdoor Girl Scout Project Facebook page.

Contact me email and address

Copyright 2017-20. Website by E. Sheppard. Cover page updated 3/2017.